The Classroom is Live


At BLLC, we value the importance of discipleship. And because of that, we always have live Instructors in the classroom. We appreciate all the things that video Bible Schools can do, but we feel that it cannot replace what happens with a real, flesh and blood Teacher in the room.

There is an impartation that happens that cannot be measured or quantified. BLLC is more than a place to pick up pieces of information. We do information; we are a Bible College after all. But we are far more interested in the formation that happens to our students. Live question and answer, live interaction in the classroom - it is powerful and life changing.

Someone once said that pastoring a church without training is like being handed a container full of car parts, and being expected to build a fully functional automobile. That is expecting far too much. We obviously believe in training, and we love it!

A good car mechanic cannot be created over-night, or in a two week seminar. Nor can a Medical Doctor, or a Lawyer. The job of Pastor is a critically important spiritual job that can affect the eternal destination of entire villages, communities, and sometimes nations. 

The training we supply is long-term, sustained ministerial discipleship. We offer a 1st year program, a 2nd year, and we're working on a 3rd year. Even after graduation, we maintain fellowship with all our graduates, and schedule supplemental training with them. Beyond the training the Pastor receives, we also help with training for the core ministries of the church: children's workers, music ministers, ladies, men, and outreach into their community.

BLLC is a Long-Term Training Program

BLLC is portable, affordable, and expandable


Studies indicate that there are between 5 and 10 million Pastors around the world who have never had one day of ministerial training. The vast majority of them are in rural areas in developing nations. They are not laden with resources, options, or choices. They are doing the best they can with what they have, and millions of them are praying daily for a chance to go to Bible College.

We take the College to the Pastor's area, making Bible College available to the rural Pastor. We keep our costs down so the Pastor doesn't need to go into debt to get the training he or she needs. We are constantly working on improvements in the program, and expanding the depth of teaching, so that our graduates are fully equipped to answer any issue, speak to any crisis, and to make disciples in that community who will also make other disciples.